Saying goodbye is NEVER easy..
It hurts to breathe because every breath I take proves I can't live without ue..
Ue were the BEST and the WORST thing for me..
To fall in love is awfully simple, but to fall out of love is simply awful..
So here's to teenage ROMANCE and not knowing why it hurts like hell.
A life with love will have some thorns, but a life without love will have no roses..
And when ue start to miss me,, remember ue let me go..
The greatest pain that comes from love is loving someone ue can never have..
Ue know ue LOVE him when ue can't help but CRY everynight because ue know he's not yours,, HE'S HERS..
Trying to forget someone ue love is like trying to remember someone ue never knew..
Where were ue when I needed ue??
The stupidest mistake in life is thinking the one who hurt ue the most, wun hurt ue again..
The pillow takes your place..
The wae to love anything is to realize that it might be lost..
And she's so scared to get close to ANYONE because everyone dhat ever said I'll be dhere LEFT..
For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, it might have been..
I was so STUPID to think dhat maybe for one 2nd ue actually CANED..
Relationships are like glass,, sometimes it's better to leave dhem broken dhan try to hurt yourself putting it back tgt..
I guess I'm a fool for thinking dhat ue're thinking of me..
Love is like a puzzle..
When ue're in love,, all the pieces fit but when your heart gets broken it takes a while to get everything BACK TGT..
The worst wae to miss someone is when they're right beside ue and yet ue know ue can't have dhem..
Maybe part of loving is learning to let go..
Wad do ue do,, when smiles go awae??
When everything changes within one dae??
What do ue do when love falls thru??
When the one ue love doesn't love ue??
My heart was taken by ue,, broken by ue,, nn now it is in PIECES,, becaue of ue..
Heart will never be made practical until dhey are made unbreakable..
Dhey sae dhat if ue love someone,,ue should let dhem go,, but dhey never sae wad to do when dhey dun come back..
Maybe 1 dae ue'll stop nn realize wad ue're missing cause
Love begins with a smile,, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop..
Ue can fall in LOVE in an instant,, its LETTING GO dhat takes time..
Dhey sae dhat time heals all wounds but all it's done so far is giving me more time to think about how much I miss ue..
Here I'm once again torn into pieces,, can't deny it,, can't pretend..
It is better to have loved and lost,, dhan never to have loved at all..
Is this wad LOVE is suppose to feel LIKE?? Cause it HURTS SO bad..
Everytime I hear your name it breaks my heart..
If someone ue love hurts ue cry like a river,, build a bridge,, nn get over it..
Sometimes we must get HURT in order to grow,, we must fail in order to KNOW..
Sometimes our visions clear only after our eyes are washed awae with TEARS..
Dun sae ue love me unless ue mean it,, because I might go nn do something like BELIEVE it!!
Its funny how someone can break your heart nn ue still love dhem with all the little pieces..
If someone hurts ue,, betrays ue or breaks your heart,, forgive dhem for dhey have helped ue learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to who ue open your heart to..
Never break the heart dhat truly loves ue..
Its hard having a broken heart but in the end its the lesson dhat we learn..