went back school for practical for the past 3 daes,,
ii was all fine nn well during the 1st 2 daes of practical..
only till yesterdae ii gort blue-black all around myiie..
nn it become worst todae..
nort having a good dae for the past 3 daes nn kong drew myiie this !!
although it look like a primary school art,, but its the thought dhat counts !!
ii love her so much !! being dhere for myiie thru thick nn thin ~~
nn for todae,, went back school for the ambassador briefing,,
lucky ii went late cause dhey start late..
my eyelid so the heavy thru-out the briefing..
after dhat to collect our shirt,,
nn who knows we need to help carry the goodies bag for dhem..
all the wae from sports complex to TRCC..
lucky ii bring a big bag nn ii put 3 in,, so ii carry lesser..
after dhat to meet kong nn we use this to trick wan to come..
sadly it prove dhat she wan KFC nn nort us !! :(
after dhat went to walk walk nn saw something dhat reminds myiie of CaiMei..
she brought this to camp once nn we played with it !! small but fun !!
after dhat to popular nn went to the pri sch books area..
we start to take from P1 nn slowly increasing nn do the workbook..
kong nn myiie were doing the English nn Maths workbook while Wan see whether we correct or nort..
we stuck dhere for very long nn 1 pri2 maths question kill us all !!
ii was all fine nn well during the 1st 2 daes of practical..
only till yesterdae ii gort blue-black all around myiie..
nn it become worst todae..
although it look like a primary school art,, but its the thought dhat counts !!
ii love her so much !! being dhere for myiie thru thick nn thin ~~
nn for todae,, went back school for the ambassador briefing,,
lucky ii went late cause dhey start late..
my eyelid so the heavy thru-out the briefing..
after dhat to collect our shirt,,
nn who knows we need to help carry the goodies bag for dhem..
all the wae from sports complex to TRCC..
lucky ii bring a big bag nn ii put 3 in,, so ii carry lesser..
after dhat to meet kong nn we use this to trick wan to come..
sadly it prove dhat she wan KFC nn nort us !! :(
after dhat went to walk walk nn saw something dhat reminds myiie of CaiMei..
she brought this to camp once nn we played with it !! small but fun !!
after dhat to popular nn went to the pri sch books area..
we start to take from P1 nn slowly increasing nn do the workbook..
kong nn myiie were doing the English nn Maths workbook while Wan see whether we correct or nort..
we stuck dhere for very long nn 1 pri2 maths question kill us all !!