well as usual,, likea lost for SSD alwaes..
after school anyhow do RJ nn just submit.. nn be prepare to go out..
so meet up with the rest nn head to ION..
ate MeatWorkz and when we want to head to CINE, we cant find the wae out..
all of us likea dun stay in dhere.. nn dhat shorty stay so near still can dunno !!
went to SCAPE nn my phone went under make-over.. nn ii am very happy with it !!
after dhat off we go !! have lots of fun nn laughter with dhem esp shorty.. laugh die myiie !!
week 1 of school is over nn seriously ii regretted nort changing SM nn SSD !!
its like ii dun understand a single thing for the whole dae..
nn ii dunno wad ii am presenting as well as wad others present !!
its only week 1 nn ii dun understand a single thing !!
just hope dhat ii can pass all these modules nn let myiie graduate !! dhats all ii ask for !!
woke up nn went for massage,, thought it will be very relax..
but who knows ii go dhere nn suffer !!
wherever she press also pain..
ii pain she laugh !! nn when ii sae ii pain she never stop still continue press !!
ohmytian !! pain die myiie.. but after dhat nort so,, but she sae it will be painful tmr..
after dhat walk around nn head home nn went over to cousin's house see this Lucas !!
nn off dhey went for dinner while my mother 'adopted' their youngest son !!
nn now this baby is over at my house make until my whole family so 忙 !!
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ii dun wan to believe it,, a restless night.. ii'm so sick of my head hurting,, ii get on my knees,, hit my chest,, nn even if ii cry,, can something dhat can't be done be done?? when the sad music flows,, ii think of ue.. why cant ii erase a heartless ue.. wad did ii do wrong?? ii was blind.. ii get trampled by both of your eyes.. ii, ii was blind.. ii dun wan to cry,, my abandoned heart gets scratched deeply.. even if ii get drunk nn empty the drunkenness within myself.. when this bitter music stops,, ii want to send ue awae.. why cant ii,, why cant ii erase a heartless ue.. do ue know ?? the heart here is also cold !! why did ue leave ?? ii cry nn become exhausted,, waking up from a dream..
well, dhats the end of holidae,, needing to set 2-3 alarms just in case ii cant wake up..
todae,, ii off the alarm instead of snoozing it,, end up ii woke up at 8a.m !!
rush here nn dhere,, nn off ii went,, all bus super nice todae ii reach the stop dhen come already,, no need wait !! :))
but still, I reach school at 9.17 when ii am having lesson at 9.45 !!
so ii walk super slow nn spend time in OSC toilet !! HAHAHAHA !!
having outdoor leadership nn its still alright as of now..
went to makan after dhat home nn the first thing ii do after cleaning myself is to sleep..
ii set alarm to wake up at 750 but too bad ii just cant wake nn end up ii wake up at 9..
but still ii am tired.. lucky dhere's no school tmr nn ii can all ii wan !!
nn while on the last dae of holidae,, ii change-d my blogskin.. nn all the codes nn HTML makes my eyes so blurry after looking at it for 2 plus hours !! but still its nort done nn ii am kindda lazy already.. HAHAHA ~~ dhats all..
for those who have lessons tmr,, JIIAYOU !! :))
dreamt of 周湯豪 yesterdae nn is a super nice dream,, ii dunno why its him nn nort 罗志祥,, but still 罗志祥 is my No.1 !! :)) but ii love 周湯豪's voice !! so the man nn unique !! #ILIKE !!
爱情从天上掉下来 花朵从我心里开出来
要遇上对手不简单 但恋爱王见王谁也不坏