people come nn go.. of course pets do dhat too..
tryiing hard to get use to iit,, although ii know ii need lorts of tiime..
sae-iing iis easy but doiing iis hard !!
ii hate sae-iing goodbye,, so ii avoiid by hiidiing nn cry !!
dhats the only thiing ii can do.. :'(
nn now ii fiind no reasons to go home.. :(
II MIISS;- the wae ue stretch yourself when ue just wake up.
- the wae how ue 'roll' up liike a ball when ue sleep nn becomiing 'handiicapped' for a few miinutes after ue wake up.
- the wae how ue react when ue hear any sound..
- the wae how ue hop around when anyone comes home..
- how ue run to nn fro to make yourself tiired..
- the tiime ue sleep on my bed nn occupyiing more dhan half of iit !!
- how ue liie/ siit down..
- ue restiing your head on my arms..
- the wae ue look at myiie..
- ue cliimbiing to my bed duriing late miidniight..
see-iing how empty the place ue once sleep,, so many cloths gone,, the friidge become more spaciious..
my tears just cant stop droppiing.. everypart of the house makes myiie thiink of ue !! :'(
but stiill hope ue will get use to the place ue are iin now !!
nn nort get bulliied.. :(